Thursday, November 22, 2007

it is done...

i've officially finished skool for about a week now.
i can officially make the statement that i USED to go to skool...

it's an amazing relief to know that u don't have to remember how to dialate or translate a graph... which i so happened to suck at... i now never have to learn an excercise i happened to miss in the course the night before an exam that i know there will be these questions on...
it's an amazing relief to know that i never have to sit in a classroom again wearing a uniform.

to have yr12 finished is a humungus relief, and load off my shoulders.
altho its also a bit sad, cos i have to leave all my friends in lower yr levels at skool.... and i wont see my boarding friends very often from now on... and to be honest, that hurts...

but now it's time to forget the stress, the tears, and the hardwork and to relax, and think of sweet nothing!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another one of anges nerdy theories....

well... i was wondering the other day.... probably while doing some chemistry study that why if water vaporises at 100 degrees why then don't we get burnt when water evaporates from our skin?????????

and thanks to the wonderful Robbie G i now know why...

it's because water doesn't have to evaporate at 100 degrees. as the particles move some jump above the surface of the water and's just that at 25 degrees we cant really see this....and it takes A LOT LONGER to do so....

so there's my random chem fact for today....
say W00T for chemistry!!! hehehehe

Sunday, November 4, 2007

life's meaningless questions...

This has been a topic i have been pondering recently... it's probably my body's defence against all the information that i have been forcing myself into learning with exams and all that jazz...

my brother posed the question to me the other day and i've been asking people since.... are bubbles perfect spheres?????

and when does a hill become a mountain? Whats the difference b/w a big hill and a small mountain???

How long does it take for paint to dry????

At what rate does grass actually grow???

How slow does a snail actually travel???

zebra's.... are they black with white stripes, or white with black stripes???

how long is a giraffe's neck???

how many vending machines do u rekon there would be in France?

is chocolate better from Belgium?????

Has someone ever done a study on these sorts of things????
and all that funn stuff... i could sit here for ages coming up with meaningless questions...
