Thursday, November 22, 2007

it is done...

i've officially finished skool for about a week now.
i can officially make the statement that i USED to go to skool...

it's an amazing relief to know that u don't have to remember how to dialate or translate a graph... which i so happened to suck at... i now never have to learn an excercise i happened to miss in the course the night before an exam that i know there will be these questions on...
it's an amazing relief to know that i never have to sit in a classroom again wearing a uniform.

to have yr12 finished is a humungus relief, and load off my shoulders.
altho its also a bit sad, cos i have to leave all my friends in lower yr levels at skool.... and i wont see my boarding friends very often from now on... and to be honest, that hurts...

but now it's time to forget the stress, the tears, and the hardwork and to relax, and think of sweet nothing!!

1 comment:

Achi Myachi said...

Congrats on finishing Ange!!!

What does next year have in store for you?